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    Bonefish Fly Fishing

    Bonefish (Albula vulpes) are the world’s most recreationally targeted saltwater species on fly. A challenge for any angler due to their speed, blistering runs and never give up attitude. They are distributed throughout the warm, shallow waters of the tropics that circle the Equator.

    Bonefish are almost always in the mood to feed and readily take a fly, making for the perfect target species. If you present the fly well enough, the chances of a bonefish eating it is good. However, knowing when to target them during the tidal cycle is critical in determining where and when you would fish for them. Bonefish fish are exceptionally silvery in colour, known as the ‘ghosts of the flats’. They have a long, deeply forked tail, a single dorsal fin, a pointed head covered by a thick layer of transparent cartilage with a mouth situated on the underside of its head.


    • Bonefish diet Predator
    • Bonefish max speed 64 km/h
    • Bonefish largest catch 78 cm
    • Bonefish avg. weight 1.3 - 4 kg
    • Bonefish maturity 3-4 years

    The search for bonefish

    Keep in mind that they are high on the menu for other predators. As such, the most obvious place to look for bonefish is on the shallow flats and sand high spots. Bonefish develop their complexion depending on the environment they inhabit. A bonefish living predominantly on white sand flats will be silver to white. In contrast, the fish that inhabit a darker flat bottom of coral or seaweed will be slightly darker, adapting to fit in with their surroundings. No wonder they are described as ‘the ghosts of the flats’!

    Bonefish also have a symbiotic relationship with stingrays. As the rays move along they disturb prey like crabs and shrimps, making them very easy and vulnerable to pick off.

    Best Bonefish Flies & Rods

    When targeting bonefish, you need to be accurate and, more importantly, subtle! Using an eight or nine-weight rod will allow you to do this and also have enough backbone to pull these extremely hard fighters when needed.

    The beauty of bones is that they aren’t really too fussy when it comes to fly selection, generally, if the fly that is on the end of our line is classed as a bonefish fly, the chances are that they will eat it. There are however some must-haves…

    • Pillow Talk

      The pillow talk fly will, without any shadow of a doubt, be in every guide’s box. The water conditions, e.g., shallow, deep, fast-flowing, etc., will determine what type of eye to use. To finish, either red cotton or red flash. Hint: the sparser it’s tied, the better! The proof is in the pudding: by far, the largest majority of bonefish caught around Alphonse Island are caught on a pillow talk (PT) fly.

    • Spawning Shrimp

      The spawning shrimp fly has a realistic look. As the name states, it imitates a shrimp carrying a belly full of eggs, making a scrumptious potential meal for a bonefish! It works so well because it’s one of the biggest bonefish flies we use. The bigger the fly, the bigger the reward will be for the fish. Usually, there is a very positive and aggressive reaction when presenting this to a fish.

    • Alphlexo Crab Fly

      An Alphlexo Crab fly has been revolutionary in terms of landing Permit! This fly is extremely realistic in size, colour, and even texture. When targeting Permit, these flies are absolutely crucial to have in your box. A must-have in any Permit-enthusiast’s box

    Best Tides For Bonefish


    Classically, the best time to fly fish for bonefish fish is when the tide is dropping, and the water is falling off the flats, forcing the fish into deeper waters, known as a “bonefish drop.” More, these fish typically stay on the flats for as long as possible to feed in comfort, knowing that bigger predators such as sharks and barracudas will not be able to prey on them. It’s during this time, when they are particularly hungry and stay together in large numbers, that it’s a great time to capitalize on the tide.

    Making the catch

    As a guide, three basic steps need to be taken into account before approaching flats where you want to fly fish for bonefish. Firstly, the position of the sun, as walking towards the sun and into the glare, will make spotting fish almost impossible. Secondly, the wind direction, as it’s never easy casting into or having the wind blow perpendicular to your casting. Thirdly, tidal movements will determine which direction the fish will most likely move in. Once you have incorporated all of these factors, it’s time to go fishing.

    Finding A Bonefish
    Seeing a bonefish is half the battle. An accurate cast is needed once spotted and when you’ve got yourself into a good position. It is far more productive to lead the fish by three to four feet rather than trying to get too close. Presenting the fly too close will increase the chances of the fish-spooking off greatly.

    Getting The Fish To React To Your Fly
    A short strip is needed to get the fish reacting to your fly, once this has happened, stripping the fly slowly should entice the fish to eat. Like all flats fishing, it is very visual, seeing the fish, making the cast, seeing the fish react and eat the fly makes it very exciting. With all this heart-thumping adrenaline, it is easy to make silly mistakes such as landing the fly on the head of the fish, stripping too fast, or the ultimate mistake: a rod-lift upon setting the hook. Setting the hook with a strip-strike and keeping the rod tip down will almost always ensure a good hook set. Once you are comfortable with the hook-set, you need to anticipate that the fish will dart off with incredible power and speed. Holding onto the line definitely results in the leader popping.

    Loose Loops
    Getting the loose loops onto the reel as the fish screams off is probably where the most concentration is needed during the fight. Loose loops that jump up are notorious for catching and hooking on pliers, cameras, etc., resulting in lost fish. Once the line is on the reel, it’s crucial to have a reel with a smooth drag as these fish are immensely powerful. If you are not an experienced bonefish angler, I can guarantee that you’ll be surprised by how hard and long bonefish fight.

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