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    4 March 2025


    This past week we had four keen anglers join us on the beautiful little atoll of Astove, The weather was predicted to be picture perfect and it delivered throughout the week with only one day of temperamental conditions consisting of downpours which kept Joshua, William, Antonio and Alexander off the flats for half a day. Despite the few hours of bad weather, we had an exceptional week of fishing with 72 bone fish, one moustache trigger fish, 15 permit, 21 giant trevally, one dogtooth tuna and three job fish all landed throughout the week.

    On day one, Joshua who has fished Astove before and requested Enrico Aerts to guide him during the week through a recommendation, started his first day off with a 74 cm and 84 cm giant trevally before heading out off shore for a short dredging session in the afternoon where he managed to land an amazing 84 cm job fish. Tyron Knight guided Antonio and Alexander on the first day,  Antonio managed to finish his day off with a slam consisting of a 60 cm giant trevally, 35 cm trigger fish and bone fish, while Alexander managed to catch three giant trevally on the outside during a short afternoon dredging session with the biggest one being 91 cm.

    Day two, spirits were high before departing camp, but josh was soon to find out he was suffering slightly from ‘Salado’ or more commonly known amongst fly fishermen as ‘the curse’ with some really unfortunate events playing out during the course of his day,  none the less he managed to scrape though landing a beautiful 61cm bluefin trevally and 60cm bonefish at the wreck. William from Northern Carolina managed to complete a slam on the second day consisting of a 79cm giant trevally, three permit and 28 bonefish which earned him a flats slam and the 20 plus bonefish badge.

    Day three turned out to be an exceptional day for Joshua where he landed a 78cm giant trevally, two permit and bonefish to complete the slam bragging rights for the day. William was on a permit roll once again, landing his fourth permit of the trip. Alexander and Antonio managed to get a day fishing with Enrico after some negotiating, opting to head offshore to do some dredging, which turned out to be an amazing day in the deep with Antonio landing three giant trevally’s and Alexander ending his day with two job fish, five giant trevally and a magnificent 94cm dogtooth tuna.

    As the week progressed it was decided to rotate the guide team once again with josh managing to land an Indo-pacific permit with guide Donovan, Alexander managing to land the biggest giant trevally of the week with guide Tyron Knight measuring in at 95cm and William landing another three permit with guide Enrico Aerts on the day.

    Day five was a tough day due to stormy weather conditions, but William was having none of it, landing another three permit with head guide Enrico, taking his permit count up to ten for the week. Even though the weather was extremely bad on day five, day six turned out to be a Stella day with pristine weather conditions and one last day to head out in search of some good fish, with the competition growing between guides Enrico Aerts and Tyron Knight, after endless banter around the table the night before they headed out and produced a biblical day out on the flats with Josh landing a 71cm giant trevally on Enrico’s boat at around 9:30am followed by Alexander landing a 60cm giant trevally at 09:40am, followed by Tyron guiding Alexander onto a permit 100 meters from Enrico’s boat where Enrico followed up by guiding Joshua into permit just moments later. Both Joshua and Alexander ended their last day completing the slam by lunch time, ending the last day in spectacular fashion. Well done to Joshua, William, Antonio and Alexander for all the amazing achievements obtained this week!

    Tight lines, Blue Safari Fly Fishing


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