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    17 October 2024


    The second week of the high season was a very special week of fishing on St Francois. Our guests took advantage of our massive bonefish population, with a great number being caught. Much to the excitement of both guide and guest alike, the triggerfish bite turned on in a massive way – some real giants were caught and the triggers were very receptive to flies thrown their way. The GTs showed their angry faces and also seemed to be in a slightly hungrier mood this week.

    Angler Francois Albertyn was treated to a week of fishing which he will never forget and most likely never beat. On his first day of his week, he charged out there and caught himself a moustache triggerfish, and the only milk of the week – a 98 cm beaut, and a bonefish, completing an effortless flats slam. A hot start to his week!

    The very next day, Francois had no idea what was in store for him. His first move of the day saw him arrive at a spot known as East Knoll, searching for the big geets which frequent this sandy high spot. His guide, Sean, spotted a massive single fish that was corralling a school of bonefish. Francois made a cast a long way in advance of the fish and waited for it to approach. Once it was close enough Francois began stripping and immediately the giant charged, inhaling the fly in the shallows and powering off into the deep. Sean and Francois worked beautifully together to land the giant, which measured an incredible 110 cm! What a fish and what a start to the day!

    A few hours later once the tide had dropped, Francois and Sean set off in search of some triggerfish. Before long, Sean spotted a massive yellow margin trigger on an isolated grass patch, just on the edge of the sand flats. These fish are notoriously spooky, so Francois stalked it very patiently before making a delicate cast. The fish did not hesitate once it caught sight of the fly, engulfing it and running off with speed and power. Luckily there was not much coral around and Francois could enjoy the fight before Sean was able to land it. The fish was a monster, and made for excellent photos with its beautiful dark orange colours. The tanker measured an astounding 56 cm, a size that will be tough to beat this season.

    The triggerfish hunt continued, this time on one of the finger flats. Francois was pointed in the direction of a sizeable moustache triggerfish, tailing on the edge of the flat. This fish was equally as fired up and smashed the shrimp pattern Francois was throwing. After some serious pull the fish was netted, and measured in at 50 cm – a well above average size trigger. Francois then went in search of our smallest trigger of the flats – the picasso trigger – to complete the triggerfish slam. As you would have guessed, he got the job done and landed one of these small beauties – completing only our second triggerfish slam of the season. Later in the day he also landed a bonefish to secure a second consecutive flats slam. Francois then went on to catch two more GTs and another giant of a trigger – a 55 cm moustache. Congratulations on a truly incredible week of fishing Francois!

    Angler Matt Ferrey, who had fished a few days of the previous week, had a great end to his stay on Alphonse. In his final days, he completed a flats slam, landing a GT, a yellow margin, a moustache trigger, and a bonefish.He then got another beaut of a GT, coming in at 87 cm, as well as three more moustache triggers! An epic finish to a great week of fishing, well done Matt.

    Angler Oliver McCammon also had a great end to his fishing trip where everything fell perfectly into place. He successfully caught his first ever triggerfish- a gorgeous moustache trigger. A couple of days later he got his first ever GT of 80 cm, a very respectable first geet. On his final fishing day, he surpassed his previous GT catch with a solid 82 cm giant trevally. That same day, he checked off another large triggerfish species with a stunning 42 cm yellow-margin triggerfish, and finished off the day with a bonefish, completing an epic flats slam. Congratulations Oliver!

    Angler Tim Webster also had a great send off from his first ever saltwater fly-fishing trip. He ended his stay with two more moustache triggers and then his second flats slam of his trip which consisted of a 77 cm GT, a yellow margin trigger and a bonefish. Congratulations on your epic week of fishing Tim, it’s very hard to believe this was your first time fishing fly in the Salt!

    A big congratulations must also be extended to Ray Cadiz, who caught a stunning 48 cm yellow margin trigger, a GT and a moustache trigger during the last few days of his stay. Angler Kevin Hodgson caught his first ever GTs on fly – finishing with two for his week. Angler Mike Yanak caught his first ever moustache trigger and a GT during his week and his boat partner and close friend Brad Robson got two moustache triggers, one of which was a beaut coming in at 48 cm. Congratulations gents.

    We look forward to another week of fishing with our newest guests and we hope that similar fortunes will come their way. Stay tuned for next week’s report!

    Tight lines, Blue Safari Fly Fishing


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