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    Seychelles Alphonse Island Giant trevally fly fishing 26 June 2024


    Week 29 on Alphonse was an absolute beauty all around. Both the weather and the fish did not disappoint, with the story of the week being numerous GTs of impressive stature roaming the flats and taking flies.

    Angler Ronnie Hoffman had his intentions set on catching GTs, and obviously, the bigger the better. His week started off slow, with some tough tries that did not quite go his way. At the end of the week, his luck changed. While poling down the Milky Way with veteran guide Matt Defilipi, they spotted the greatest sight one can possibly see on St Francois Atoll – the notorious “Capal Shoal”. The shoal consists of an angry mob of nurse sharks and massive GTs, which usually feed ferociously on coral outcrops. Matt carefully maneuvered the boat to put Ronnie in the perfect position to cast at the shoal. Of the many gigantic fish in the shoal, one of them turned for the fly and engulfed it, showing off its massive bucket mouth as it ate. Ronnie set the hook against the fish, which was already heading in the opposite direction, breaking Ronnie’s 12wt rod in the process. The fish remained pinned, and Matt and Ronnie battled to keep it from cutting them off on one of the many coral heads surrounding the finger. The beast eventually tired out and landed, measuring an incredible 114 cm. Big congratulations to Ronnie on your monstrous fish, our biggest geet of the week!

    Angler Ryan Fields had a truly memorable week fishing at our Atoll. He bagged two slams for the week, the first consisting of a beautiful 47 cm yellow margin trigger, a massive 97 cm milkfish, and a bonefish. The second slam consisted of an 82 cm GT, a permit, and a bonefish. In addition to these slams, he caught three other GTs, the biggest of which was a massive 107 cm giant caught on a beast fly in some deep water.

    Ryan’s brother-in-law, and boat partner, Jamie, also had an epic week fishing the flats. He caught a GT and his first Indo-Pacific permit. On the same day that Ryan caught his big geet, Jamie caught two crackers for himself, measuring 93 and 98 cm! Congratulations on your epic week of fishing, gentlemen!

    Angler Art Schneider also had a successful week of fishing. His focus was mostly on bonefish, and he did some serious damage, showing that the bones on St Francois are definitely growing in size! His three biggest bones came in at 60, 62, and a staggering 68 cm! In addition to his bonefish exploits, he caught himself two GTs measuring 70 and 77 cm. Congratulations on your awesome week, Art!

    A number of anglers had some very memorable catches. Christ Walsh caught himself three GTs, two of which measured 84 cm. Tom Randgaard caught three geets, the biggest of which was 87 cm and a massive yellow margin came in at 49 cm (the biggest of the week). Angler Alister Grant caught himself a beautiful 97 cm GT, his first ever! Roy Maynard got himself three GTs and a moustache trigger of 40 cm. Bob Stowe caught himself a geet and a moustache trigger. Scott Hutchinson had a hard-fought battle with an 88 cm Milkfish. Cody, Matt, Santiago, and Deborah all caught their first-ever GTs on the fly.

    We look forward to another great fishing week on Alphonse and St Francois. If the fishing this week is anything to go by, we should be in for some more special catches.

    Tight lines, Blue Safari Fly Fishing on Alphonse Island


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