The week started off with neap tides coupled with no wind bright sunny days, leaving the fish a little spooky at times. Despite these conditions, the week progressed and some fantastic fishing took place with a variety of species successfully caught by those who were on the water.
Managing with patience and poise, Meredith McCord was able to make the most of her week and catch some lovely fish. Starting off, Meredith landed an incredible 101 cm milkfish followed by a promising 48 cm trigger fish and ending off with a beautiful bonefish, a flats slam! Meredith successfully achieved two flats slams in her week with us, as well as landing two kings of the flats, the giant trevally. Congratulations on such a successful week, Meredith!
As the flats were slightly trickier than usual this week, a few anglers turned to bluewater fishing and achieved some awesome results. Bill Kalm and James Lawley both went out on bluewater trips in hopes of landing the forever challenging sailfish. After some lengthy fights, both managed to land a sailfish each. A real challenge turned into a triumph. Jane, equally took to the challenge and caught an impressive wahoo on fly, which is no easy feat. Congratulations, Jane. The bluewater was a success this week, and all the anglers were able to land some impressive fish.
Despite the conditions, our residential bonefish did not let us down. John Butcher tackled some of our larger bonefish this week and landed two huge bones of 63 cm and 64 cm. Fergus Gienapp was successful in catching his first bonefish, which is always an awesome achievement. Fred Shwaibold landed a solid 61 cm bonefish, and Scott Reeves and Rick Garrared managed a 63 cm fish; our biggest bonefish of the week was 68 cm caught by angler Greg Davis. Congratulations to all of the anglers who achieved success on the bone fishing front.
The giant trevally were relatively scarce this week, but some anglers persisted and were greeted with success. Beth Roth landed a lovely GT as well as a tricky triggerfish of 53 cm during her week on the flats. Scott Reeves also tackled a nice 63 cm geet. Laurent Dobler also managed a 64 cm geet. Daniel White was successful in landing his first GT. The largest GT for this week was an 82 cm fish managed by Breno Ballesteros. Congratulations to all who managed to land these incredible fish. The triggerfish were tricky as always, with some succeeding in the trigger department, with Rick Garrard and Amy each landing the precarious yet beautiful yellowmargin triggerfiish.
All the anglers demonstrated patience, drive, and resilience with some impressive and notable fish being caught. The fishery delivered throughout the week, and the anglers had some remarkable fishing. Thank you to all who joined us this week and we look forward to seeing you again.
Tight lines, Blue Safari Fly Fishing
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